I don't understand = may n tsesi. I have no $ = may nyishka. I have returned = mah bah. I am tired = mahbray. Sleep well = Da iyay. I slept well = maydah papaapa. Where are you going? Erekwohin? I'm going? = May reko? Look! = tshay! ...
Hundreds of babies, fathered by UN personnel, have been born to Congolese girls and women ? including the 15-year-old deaf mute daughter of Aimee bTsesi/b, who told Ross she was turned away at the gates of the UN camp when she went for ...
The ideas of 'btsesi/b' (order) and 'rjuli' (law, with religious connotations) are prominent to the Georgian mentality generally. But are these notions authenticly Georgian, and were they ever true for all Georgia - it is difficult to tell ...